Change SQL Collation without reinstalling SQL

I ran into an issue where SQL Server was installed with the wrong collation and a lot of user databases were already attached. I could easily backup the databases, uninstall, reinstall, and restore the databases back, but this could take literally all day. There is a better and much faster way to make this change. This post will go over it….

First, backup all databases (duh)

Next, we’ll verify the current collation. On this server it’s set to Latin1_General_CI_AS and I want to change it to SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

Next, we’ll double check and make sure we have backups of all databases ?

Open SQL Configuration Manager and turn off all SQL Services:

Open Command Prompt (as administrator) and browse to the BINN directory and type the following command.

sqlservr -m -T4022 -T3659 -q”SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”

-m – starts SQL Server in single user admin mode
-T4022 – bypasses all startup procedures
-T3659 – undocument trace flag. enables logging of all errors to the errorlog during startup
-q – new collation

Before hitting Enter, let’s triple check and make sure those backups exist.

Hit Enter.

SQL will run through its startup routine:

Voila. Recovery is complete.

Close Command Prompt and start the SQL services back up.

Back in SQL Server Management Studio, verify that the collation has changed.

SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB Overview

SQL Server database corruption can be a problem and can cause serious damage to a database. If you’re an experienced DBA then you probably have safeguards in place to detect this, but over the years I’ve seen hundreds of SQL Servers with no detection methods at all and this is a problem. There are a few ways to detect database corruption, but this tip will focus more on DBCC CHECKDB.

You may or may not have heard of DBCC (database console commands) statements. These statements are used to perform different operations in your database and can be broken down into four categories: Maintenance, Miscellaneous, Informational, and Validation. I use some of the DBCC statements on a daily basis, but none more than DBCC CHECKDB.


DBCC CHECKDB, from Microsoft MSDN Library, checks logical and physical integrity of all the objects in the specified database by performing the following operations:

  • Runs DBCC CHECKALLOC on the database – Checks consistency of disk space allocation structures for a specified database.
  • Runs DBCC CHECKTABLE on every table and view in the database – Checks the integrity of all the pages and structures that make up the table or indexed view.
  • Runs DBCC CHECKCATALOG on the database – Checks for catalog consistency within the database.
  • Validates the contents of every indexed view in the database.
  • Validates link-level consistency between table metadata and file system directories and files when storing varbinary(max) data in the file system using FILESTREAM.
  • Validates the Service Broker data in the database

If you’ve ever ran DBCC CHECKDB you know it takes some time for large databases. Now that you know all of the steps that are run, you can see why it takes time to complete.

How can SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB help me?

Data corruption is bad. It can cause all sorts of issues within the database that may include incorrect data results, failed SQL statements, and in some cases can take down the entire SQL instance. DBCC CHECKDB warns you of corruption so that you can fix it before (hopefully) it gets too bad.

How do I use SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB?

DBCC CHECKDB is pretty straightforward. There are a few options you can use with the statement and we’ll go over some of those in the next section, but the basic syntax looks like this:

DBCC CHECKDB ('DatabaseName')

Pretty simple.

Automate SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB

Obviously, you don’t want to log in every morning and run this statement on each database, so you can automate this process using a few different methods:

  • SQL Server Maintenance plans – Maintenance plans are part of SQL Server out of the box (unless you’re running Express Edition). I don’t like using maintenance plans for the most part, but I don’t mind using them for this type of task. In the Maintenance Plan toolbox you’ll need to use the Check Database Integrity task. The only configurable option is to include indexes so it’s not really user friendly, but in some cases this is all you need. Again, we’ll talk about other options in the next section.

Custom scripts – Custom scripts are usually what I use and offer the best flexibility as far as adding the options you want. My go-to scripts are already created and free to use from Ola Hallengren. He’s done a wonderful job of creating these and sharing them to the world. Thanks Ola!

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SQL Server Index Fragmentation Overview

We’ve all heard about database/index fragmentation (and if you haven’t, continue reading), but what is it? Is it an issue? How do I know if it resides in my database? How do I fix it? These questions could be a tip all in itself, but I’ll try to give you an idea of each in this post.

Without going into a lot of detail, SQL Server stores data on 8KB pages. When we insert data into a table, SQL Server will allocate one page to store that data unless the data inserted is more than 8KB in which it would span multiple pages. Each page is assigned to one table. If we create 10 tables then we’ll have 10 different pages.

As you insert data into a table, the data will go to the transaction log file first. The transaction log file is a sequential record meaning as you insert, update, and delete records the log will record these transactions from start to finish. The data file on the other hand is not sequential. The log file will flush the data to the data file creating pages all over the place.

Now that we have an idea of how data is stored, what does this have to do with fragmentation?

There are two types of fragmentation: Internal Fragmentation and External Fragmentation.

SQL Server Internal Fragmentation

SQL Server Internal Fragmentation is caused by pages that have too much free space. Let’s pretend at the beginning of the day we have a table with 40 pages that are 100% full, but by the end of the day we have a table with 50 pages that are only 80% full because of various delete and insert statements throughout the day. This causes an issue because now when we need to read from this table we have to scan 50 pages instead of 40 which should may result in a decrease in performance. Let’s see a quick and dirty example.

Let’s say I have the following table with a Primary Key and a non-clustered index on FirstName and LastName:

IndexFragmentationI’ll talk about ways to analyze fragmentation later in this tip, but for now we can right click on the index, click Properties, and Fragmentation to see fragmentation and page fullness. This is a brand new index so it’s at 0% fragmentation.


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Creating a Backup plan on SQL Express using Ola Hallengren’s scripts

SQL Express doesn’t have the SQL Server Agent so we can’t schedule jobs like normal. Follow this post to create a backup plan that will back up all the databases using Windows Task Scheduler.

  • Download CommandExecute –
  • Download DatabaseBackup –
  • Execute both of these stored procedures against the target server

Backups with Ola 1

  • Open Notepad on the target server and copy the following code changing the path to where the backups will be stored and the cleanup time. The cleanup time is specified in hours :
EXECUTE dbo.DatabaseBackup
@Databases = 'USER_DATABASES',
@Directory = 'C:\Backups',
@BackupType = 'FULL',
@Compress = 'Y', 
@CleanupTime = 48
  • Save the file with a .sql extension

Backups with Ola 2

  • Start the Task Scheduler by clicking on StartMenu/All Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Task Schedule
  • Click Create Basic Task to start the Scheduled Task Wizard
  • Type a name for the Task

Backups with Ola 3

  • Choose Daily from the scheduling options

Backups with Ola 4

  • Click Next, specify the information about the time to run the task. Set Start Time to an appropriate value when the load on the server is low. Set the recur every option to 1 day and click Next

Backups with Ola 5

  • Click Browse. Browse to SQLCMD.exe (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\Client SDK\ODBC\110\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE) and then click Open
  • Type the following content to the Add arguments text box and then click Next
    • –S ServerName –i “c:\SQLScripts\SQLBackups.sql”

Backups with Ola 7

  • Select the checkbox to Open the Advanced Properties for this task and click Finish

Backups with Ola 8

  • Check Run whether user is logged in or not and Run with highest privileges under Security Options then click OK.

Backups with Ola 9


You may have to run this in the command prompt until it succeeds and copy exactly from CMD into the arguments section

Managing the size of the SQL Server SSIS catalog database

The SSIS catalog is the central point for working with Integration Services (SSIS) projects that you’ve deployed to the SSIS server. When the SSIS catalog is implemented, the SSISDB database is automatically created. The scope of this post will focus on the SSISDB growth more than the SSIS catalog itself.

SSIS projects, packages, parameters, environments, and operational history are all stored in the SSISDB database so if you have hundreds of SSIS packages or packages that run every few minutes you could see how the database storing all the historical information would grow exponentially.

Also included when you enable this feature is a SQL Server Agent Job called SSIS Server Maintenance job:

SQL Freelancer SSIS Catalog 1
Inside this job are two steps, SSIS Server Operation Records Maintenance and SSIS Server Max Version Per Project Maintenance, that will help clean up the database. By default, this job is set to run at 12:00am nightly which is sufficient:

SQL Freelancer SSIS Catalog
Looking at the first step, SSIS Server Operations Records Maintenance, you will notice that it executes a stored procedure named internal.cleanup_server_retention_window. This sounds like it could be the stored procedure that cleans up history:

SQL Freelancer SSIS Catalog
Let’s browse out to the stored procedure in Management Studio and take a look at the code:

SQL Freelancer SSIS Catalog
You can see from the very beginning of the stored procedure in the BEGIN TRY statement it first looks to see if Operation cleanup is enabled and if cleanup is enabled then it looks for the Retention Window:

SQL Freelancer SSIS Catalog
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SQL Server Maintenance Plans Reporting and Logging

This post will focus on the reporting and logging option of maintenance plans.

When a maintenance plan executes it’s nice to know the results especially in case of a failure. You can view the results in a few different ways that include the following:

  • Maintenance Plan history
  • SQL Server Agent Job history
  • SQL Server Error Log
  • sp_readerrorlog
  • Maintenance Plan Reporting and Logging

Maintenance Plan Reporting and Logging Options

The Maintenance Plan reporting and logging option is enabled by default, but a lot of DBA’s and developers don’t even realize it is an option, much less that it’s enabled.

To configure this option, open a maintenance plan and on the top bar beside Manage Connections…. you’ll notice a little chart/paper icon. It’s not hidden, but it doesn’t jump out at you and that’s probably why a lot of DBA’s don’t pay any attention.

SQL Freelancer SQL Server Maintenance Plan Reporting and Logging

If you click the icon you’ll notice there are a few options to choose from:

SQL Freelancer SQL Server Maintenance Plan Reporting and Logging

Let’s go over each one of these:

Generate a text file report

This option allows you to enable or disable the text file report.

Create a new file

This option allows you to create a new report file each time a maintenance plan is executed. Create a new file is the default option and the default folder location is the folder you specified SQL Server to use for the LOG folder. You can specify a different location if preferred.

Here is a screenshot of Windows Explorer where a new file is created each execution:

SQL Freelancer SQL Server Maintenance Plan Reporting and Logging

You may notice that if you run a maintenance plan throughout the day that it could quickly fill up your drive with these 1kb files. Luckily, we don’t have to go in and check our file system and delete these files manually. SQL Server has a task that will automate this for us (see below).

While we are at this point, go ahead and check one of your servers. Check the location of a maintenance plan text file and then check the folder on the server. Or maybe you’ve noticed these files while browsing through your LOG folder and wasn’t sure where they came from.

Append to file

This option allows you to create one text file and append the results to that file. This will reduce the number of files, but will increase the size of the file and it makes it more difficult to read in my opinion.

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